No infinite days within a single university has accepted my challenge for a 4 quadrant hemisphere which rotates to a ¼ (corner). You are unworthy of Earth - known as Midday and Midnight.Where the 2 major Time forces join, synergy creates 2 new minorTime points we recognize as Sunup and Sundown. The 4-equidistant Time points are created on opposite sides of Earth life is a simultaneous 4 human races debunks a God for any race. Sunup represents Indian Race Midday represents White Race Sundown represents Asian Race Midnight represents Black Race Humans fear to know what you don't know, but what you don't know. The God words you know, will not allow you to prevent this 'Forbidden Truth Cube' from ever being known. Socrates was killed to hide Truth from public. 1-corner god is but an evil cubeless singularity. You only know what you don't know. The God words you know, will not allow you to know this.